Can you spot an illegal number plate?

We've noticed, especially on social media, that many people flaunt or unknowingly display illegal private number plates, so here at Plates4Less we've created a quiz to see if people can recognise these potentially expensive mistakes.
15/12/2022 blog
number plate quiz

So, what could it be that makes a plate illegal?


Well, it could be the font, which needs to be the standard size and type. Or it could be that the plate uses something stylised, like italics, which is not permitted.


The spacing between characters - and groups of characters - is also important, and any alteration of this is strictly prohibited, too.

(For the full rules about number plates, see our ‘How to Play’ instructions)

The quiz will present a range of real-life number plates, some of them legal, some of them not. Some represent businesses, others are names, and a few are clever jokes; we’ve put this quiz together as a bit of fun, yes, but also with the intention of using the results to find out which number plate problems are the most easily and accurately recognised.

With our roads and car parks relying more heavily on ANPR these days, it’s become all the more important to ensure your number plate complies with all the DVLA rules, especially as illegal private plates can land you a fine of up to £1000!