How We Support Our Community Through Your Purchases!

When we sell private number plates, we donate a portion of the proceeds to good causes. Learn about these charities and how you can help.
24/06/2024 Blog
A photograph of the Plates4Less team holding number plates. Text reads 'Thank you for helping us raise: £181, 493' with a number of charity logos.

As of June 2024, Plates4Less is excited to announce that we’ve donated a total of £181,493 to charity!

We donate a portion of the proceeds of selected extras (Gift Certificates, Acrylic Number Plates and Done For You transfers) to a fund, which is transferred directly to these charities!

We wanted to take this opportunity to shine a spotlight on some of the charities that we support, so you know the great causes that your money may go towards when you buy a plate through Plates4Less. Unlike our other articles, which may tell an exciting number plate story or give insights into motoring news, we’re taking this chance to genuinely share with you the importance of each of these charities and why we believe in supporting them.

We also want to thank every single person who has bought a number plate from us, and contributed to these donations, allowing us to support the causes we care about. Thank you! Throughout this article, we’ll be including donation links for those who are able to contribute, but we completely understand that this isn’t doable for everyone. Even if you are not in a position to directly contribute, please know that we greatly appreciate your support!

St John’s Ambulance Cymru

“St John Ambulance Cymru provides first aid treatment, training, and transport for communities across Wales.”

St John’s is a well-established charity here in Wales. They’ve been working since 1918 to provide care to people who need it. You may have seen them at sports matches, or other big events, making sure everyone stays safe and well.

St John’s volunteers also help transport people to hospital, a service which is currently so crucial to the health and safety of people in Wales. They also work to train and provide experience to people of a variety of age groups, providing helpful and practical learning opportunities for young people.

In their strategy for the future, they explain that they are hoping to provide free first aid cover for community events across Wales, and provide a 24/7 community responder unit in every county. At Plates4Less, we want to see these goals realised, and show this through our continued support of St John Ambulance. If you would like to help, you can donate here:

The British Heart Foundation

“Heart and circulatory diseases still kill 1 in 4 people in the UK. With your support, we’ll keep funding research to improve millions more lives.”

The British Heart Foundation is a charity that works to improve the heart health of the UK, through research, education, and influencing wider change. It’s a genuine honour to support the work they do, as they fight to protect the health of people’s hearts.

They even offer free online training on their website for what to do if you are witnessing a cardiac arrest - which is potentially life saving information. It only takes 15 minutes! You could also ring their Heart Helpline, which is available 9am-5pm weekdays for circulatory and cardiac questions.

We’re huge supporters of the genuine difference that the British Heart Foundation is making to people’s lives every day. They were an obvious choice for our list of causes to support!

When you buy a plate through us and choose any of our add ons you support us in supporting them. But, if you’d rather support the BHF more directly, you can donate here: donate.

We are thrilled to have donated over £180,000 so far and look forward to the next milestone.

Prostate Cancer UK

“Giving every man the power to navigate prostate cancer”

Prostate Cancer is a significant issue impacting the lives of men and their families in terrible ways. One of the major issues that Prostate Cancer UK is fighting is that many men aren’t informed about risk factors, or how likely Prostate Cancer can be. They’re also fighting to make care for Prostate Cancer more equal, as survival rates vary in different areas.

Prostate Cancer UK faces a difficult battle, but they’ve already made so much progress in improving men’s lives, and with support they can continue to change the ways this illness is considered, discovered, and treated. This is why we choose to support Prostate Cancer UK, and hope to help them reach their goals.

You can do likewise by donating here:

RNLI - Royal National Lifeboat Institution

“The charity that saves lives at sea”

You’ve probably already heard of the RNLI, and their goal is a simple but noble one. As stated above, the RNLI aims to save lives at sea. Sometimes this is through education, like the resources available on their website. Other times, they are actively saving lives in the ocean through action and rescue strategies.

Rescue equipment, lifeboats, and training takes funding, and the RNLI ensures that 81pence of every £1 donated is used to fund their life saving activities. They have organised charity events to help fundraise throughout the UK - but donating online is also an option.

To join us in supporting the RNLI, donate here:

Tŷ Hafan

“When a child’s life will be short, no family should have to live it on their own.”

Tŷ Hafan is a Welsh children’s hospice that supports children who are living short lives, as well as their families.

The vital work that Tŷ Hafan does is a true demonstration of humanity’s compassion. Helping people through the most difficult life experiences is no easy task, but Tŷ Hafan understands this, and makes the effort to help anyway.

Currently, Tŷ Hafan reports that they can only reach 1 in 10 of the families that need their support, with 90% of families going without the support they need. So, it should be clear why Tŷ Hafan is one of our chosen charities. The crucial work they are doing is admirable, but they need help and donations in order to support everyone who needs this service.

If you would like to donate to them directly, you can do so here:

Versus Arthritis

“There are over 10 million people living with arthritis. That’s one in six, with over half of those living in pain every single day.”

Chances are that you either know someone who has experienced Arthritis, or you yourself have suffered from it. If that’s the case, you probably know how challenging this condition is, and how it can impact a life.

Versus Arthritis provides information and resources to help, including a helpline. They also raise money for research into Arthritis, helping to find solutions for this incredibly difficult problem.

We support Versus Arthritis to help them achieve their goals, seeking a future where people don’t have to suffer due to Arthritis. If you want to help, you can donate here

Wales Air Ambulance

“Serving Wales. Saving Lives.”

The Wales Air Ambulance works to save people from precarious situations, and transport them to hospitals where they can get the care they need. They rescue people all over Wales.

Not only do they provide care upon arrival, and a transportation service, but the Wales Air Ambulance offers patient support after the incident is over. They understand that accidents can be traumatic, and are there for their patients throughout their recovery. They will provide similar support to relatives of patients, including bereavement support for unfortunate instances where the person cannot be saved.

As we are based in Wales, this is a cause that’s very close to our hearts. Ensuring that people can be reached and rescued after accidents is so important, which is why our continued support of the Wales Air Ambulance is so important to us. To help, you may donate at:

Marie Curie

“We’re here for anyone with an illness they’re likely to die from, and their family and friends.”

Marie Curie provides end of life care, and bereavement services. Not only are there Marie Curie Hospices to help people in this unfortunate situation, but they provide at-home care to those who require it.

You’re probably familiar with Marie Curie already - and their iconic Daffodil hats. These are a part of their admirable fundraising efforts. It’s only through support from donations that their great work is made possible. The companionship volunteers provide to people in need, makes a big difference.

To join us in supporting Marie Curie, donate here:


“In every centre, you’ll find a bright and welcoming space full of the kind of support that people facing cancer, need and deserve.”

Cancer has a terrible impact on the lives of those who suffer from it, but thankfully charities like Maggie’s are there to help. They have centres throughout the UK, where people can receive support to help them feel less alone.

Their centres are designed to feel comfortable, almost like a second home. With no uniforms or reception desks, they lean away from the clinical feel of hospitals and towards an atmosphere that fosters genuine connections and kind conversations.

We are honoured to contribute to the support that Maggie’s offers to Cancer sufferers and their families. If you want to join in, donate here:

We proudly support these charities because we believe in giving back to our community. We recognise the vital role local charities play in saving lives and enhancing our community's well being. Our donation is our way of making a positive impact where it matters most.

Alzheimer’s Society

“Our vision is a World where dementia no longer devastates lives.”

As the Alzheimer’s Society points out on their webpage, 1 in 3 people born in the UK today will be diagnosed with dementia in their lifetime. This is a terrible crisis that people all over the world are facing, impacting families in upsetting ways.

Having the opportunity to help Alzheimer’s society fight back against this illness is very important to us. Alzheimer’s Society works on research, as well as providing support for people living with Alzheimer’s.

Join us, and all of Alzheimer’s Society’s other supporters, by donating here:

Cancer Research UK

“Together we are beating cancer”

You’ve almost certainly already heard of Cancer Research UK. They fundraise in many ways, notably through the ‘Race for Life’.

Cancer Research UK works to change lives by researching how to prevent and treat cancer. Cancer Research UK is working to “see 3 in 4 patients surviving the disease by 2034” and require support to meet this goal.

We’re honoured to contribute through donations, and would encourage you to do the same here:


“Whether you volunteer, fundraise, or follow and share our advice, together we can keep children safe.”

We’d be surprised if you haven’t heard of the NSPCC, since they’ve been operating for 140 years. They are responsible for ‘Childline’, a telephone support line for young people who need help.

Providing help for young people and children is the goal of much of the work that the NSPCC does. Through educating parents, visiting schools, campaigning for change, and a variety of other efforts, the NSPCC improves the lives of children.

You can donate here:


“Because cancer can affect your life in so many ways, we do whatever it takes to give people the support they need.”

From Hikes and Sporting events, to head shaves and coffee mornings, Macmillan fundraises in many different ways. Your donations, and our donations go toward providing a vital service for people living with Cancer.

You only need to take a look at the resources available on Macmillan’s website to see the effort they are making. Helping people to understand and cope with the complexities of cancer is so important, so they offer a support line over phone, email, and online chat.

Macmillan’s support spans a number of different efforts and areas, including research, activism, and supporting health workers. We love helping Macmillan to make a difference in people’s lives, and encourage you to do the same by donating here:

A huge thank you to all of these charities for the great work they do, and to you, for supporting us in supporting them. Raising £181,493 has been a long journey, and we look forward to the next steps!

If you’re interested in buying private plates through us, you can start by searching here! Or, if you’d like some ideas and advice, visit our guides!