Plates4Less Launches New Guide to Help Private Plate Owners Protect Their Assets
As the DVLA’s 10-Year Renewal Deadline Approaches, Thousands Could Lose Their Cherished Personalised Registration Marks - Our New Guide Shows You How to Protect Yours.
Plates4Less advises thousands of people every week about buying and selling private number plates. While these conversations often focus on getting
the best price or finding the perfect plate, safeguarding your registration mark is another equally important topic that often gets overlooked.
With fraudulent activity on the rise and a major DVLA renewal deadline now in effect, we’ve put together a comprehensive new guide to help private
plate owners protect their investments. This guide outlines the essential steps to secure your personalised registration, avoid falling victim to
scams, and prevent losing your plate for good, due to DVLA regulations.
Urgent Warning: Thousands of Private Number Plate Owners Could Lose Their Registrations Forever
Thousands of personalised number plate owners are at risk of losing their registrations due to a rigid DVLA rule that provides no second chances.
Plates4Less is warning that once a registration expires under the DVLA’s strict 10-year renewal rule, it will be erased permanently - regardless of
its value or whether the owner was properly notified. The first batch of plates expired on March 9th, 2025.
Your Private Number Plate Could Be Taken Without Compensation
The Department for Transport has implemented this policy without considering the end user. If your registration is erased, it benefits no one else,
yet you could lose an asset you believed to be securely yours. The DVLA only makes one attempt to contact the last registered keeper using the address
on the registration certificate. If you’ve moved or changed details and haven’t updated your registration certificate specifically, your plate could
disappear without warning.
Many people mistakenly believe that updating their driving licence or vehicle records is enough, but this is not the case - you must update each
certificate individually. If your registration mark is stored on a government certificate rather than an online account, it’s especially at risk.
The Risk: How Many People Are Likely to Lose Their Registrations?
Plates4Less estimates that up to 20% of private plate owners may be affected, leading to:
Thousands of registrations vanishing forever
Millions of pounds in lost asset value
At least £320,000 per year in prepaid transfer fees forfeited to the government
Plates4Less has already encountered cases where owners only discover their plate has been erased when they try to sell or transfer it - at which
point, it’s too late.
What’s Inside Our New Guide?
Our guide is designed to help vehicle registration mark owners understand all the potential pitfalls and how to avoid them. It covers:
✅ Learning how to keep your registration safe whilst it’s on a vehicle.
✅ How to retain your private registration & keep it safe whilst it is on retention
✅ How to check if your registration is due for renewal & how to renew
✅ What to do if you haven’t received a DVLA renewal reminder
✅ Steps to update your address and contact details to ensure you get these important notifications
✅ What to do if your registration mark is still in a previous owner’s/Dealer’s details
✅ How to spot and avoid common private number plate scams and fraud
✅ What to do if you lose your private registration certificate (V750 or V778)
✅ Why assigning your private plate to your vehicle can help safeguard your investment
✅ Options if you no longer want to keep your private registration
We’ve also included direct DVLA contact details and answers to the most frequently asked questions about vehicle registration renewals and security. Private Number Plate Protection Guide
A Timely Warning from Our Industry Experts
Commenting on the issue, our experts have strongly urged all private plate owners to check their registration mark certification details immediately:
We strongly advise anyone with a private plate held on a DVLA certificate to double-check their expiry date deadline and ensure their details are
correct. If your registration expires, the DVLA will not reinstate it-even if it was worth tens of thousands of pounds. The best way to safeguard your
plate is to stay informed and take action in advance.
Plates4less Experts
What Should You Do Next?
If you purchased a personal registration through us, we’ll be in touch.
If you own a private plate and it’s currently held on a V750 Certificate of Entitlement or a V778 Retention Certificate, you need to:
✅ Carefully check your certificate’s expiry date
✅ Ensure your contact details are correct with the DVLA if not, you won’t get a reminder and also, if the certificate is not in your name, the
renewed one will be sent to the wrong person.
✅ Renew your registration before it expires
If you’re unsure about any of these steps, our new guide will walk you through the entire process.
The DVLA’s strict renewal rules mean that owners of private plates can not afford to be complacent. If your registration mark is on a certificate, it must be renewed before the expiry date, or you will lose it permanently.
Our guide is designed to ensure you stay protected and don’t become one of the thousands set to lose their plates and their money this year. Check
your documentation today, update your details, and take action to safeguard your cherished plate before it’s too late.